SID otherwise known as Sensory Integration Dysfunction is becoming more common today. So what is SID. SID is where the Neurotransmitters in the brain don't work properly thus causeing miscommunication in the brain sensory processing system. some examples that are commenly seen are. A child who does not like to have his hair washed or cut. the brain is telling the child that these everyday tasks are painful. there can also be delays in development, speach, ect. another way to explain it is a child with SID is like a trafic jam in the brain. There are many reasons that are believed to be linked to SID but at this time I will not get into them. this is just a brief explanation so that I can introduce you to Hunter and explain what the first 4 1/2 years have been like. This blog is by no means a way to answer your questions or diagnose your child. it is a way for me to document Hunters progress.
So I would consider Hunter's pregnancy and birth to be uneventfull, he was exactly 2 weeks early and weight 6 pounds 11.4 ounze on 6/11/2002. He did have the umbilical cord wraped around his neck once and the Dr. had to use what's called a mityvac to help get him out. From birth to 5 months Hunter was a happy child. He had numerous ear infections and required putting tubes in his ears at 5 months. He was a quiet child that loved to have his face rubbed. 6mo-1 year. Hunter had feeding issues. He never seemed to be able to keep anything in his stomach, he had a weak cardiac sphincter and would projectile vomit after every feeding. On Hunter's 1 year birthday he developed a high fever and was diagnosed with yet another ear infection. Shortly after turning one he started to pull his hair out. In one months time he was almost bald so I shaved the rest of it off. His Dr. didn't seem to think anything of it, but I knew that at this point something was differnt. Hunter continued to pull hair although it was doll hair and horse hair. At first he would eat it but as of today he just holds it in his hand and sucks his thumb. He will not go outside the house without his "fuzzy". by about 18 months he was throwing horrible tantrums, He would not sleep, eat, or let you put clothes on him. He had a ok vocabulary for an 18 month old. Around this same time the pediatrition thought that Hunters Anterior fontenells had closed and fused prematurely. So He had lots of xrays ect and determined that they did not fuse, just overlaped. By 2 he stoped talking and the fits, tantrums, rages worsened. Hunter could not communicate with us and he did not understand a thing we were saying to him. Hunter would wake up in the night screaming, crying, kicking and biting because we had no idea what he wanted. So finally at 2 1/2 we were able to get a special education teacher to come into our house and work with him for 6 months. We were taugh some sign language and hunter slowly started to have a way to communicate again with us. These fits, tantrums, ranges continued until Hunter was 3 1/2 when he finally was fully communicating with us aging. Potty training was impossible and finally done shortly after Hunter turned 4 this past June. Some of the other things that Hunter has issues with, sleep, eating, tires easily- he has no mucsle tone, bites still, hits, throws, verbally not nice to everyone, won't wear clothes with out a battle. Socks are totally out of the question, any type of suttle change in the house or everyday life throws him in a spin and a tantrum occurs. Hunter is currently in preschool and does fairly well except he tells me that he hates it becasue of all the loud kids, he loves to spin, get messy, bounce, jump. He is what I call my little tansmainian devil, my tornado, He destroys not plays with toys. So this past tuesday Hunter was finally evaluated for SID and today I will get a copy of the evaluation. So we will see what they say and recommend for Hunter.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
1 comment:
WOW...hon, that sounds like a really fine line between autism and SID!! I am so glad that you were able to get it diagnosed, though. I hope Hunter is able to get the help he needs. My heart goes out to you...I sure do know what you are going through. Every day has great potential for things to be better, though...that's what I keep hoping!
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