Thursday, July 12, 2007

'VOG ON and some Jay walking!!!

Ok, I've been a busy gal this week so hubby decided to take Autumn and Hunter out to cut some wood so I only had Trinity to entertain this morning and early afternoon which allowed me to get my 2nd sock of 'Vog on done so that is pair #5 for SOS2007 here's a picture....

after that was wondering what pattern to do next and took a look at all the photos on Flickr for some ideas and decided to go Jaywalking!!!!!! so here is what I have done already.

As I was Jaywalking I had to stop and take a picture of my children and how creative they can be....................

So since I'm on sharing photos of my children..... I just could not help myself last night and took this picture.............

Take note that Trinity in the middle has her leg over Hunters head/neck and is playing with his hair ( something she always does). I did move here leg because it just looked uncomfortable!!!!

so back to SOS2007 # 6 for jaywalking,

'Vog on... yarn, posh yarn, emily in refresh colorway size 3.00mm circulars
Jaywalkers.... yarn Mountain colors hand painted yarn in feathered cherry 60% superwash wool 25% mohair 15% nylon

1 comment:

mjm knitting said...

what an adorable photo of your children.