I know it's been a few weeks since I posted about Hunter, they have been some very busy weeks. Hunter has has thus far 4 OT therapy sessions and thus far. I have seen some much needed and suprisingly quick changes in Hunter. Here are some of the things that I have noticed from before starting therapy to present.
1. hunter would not eat until 9:00 pm. now he eats when we do. He still is a little vocal about not being hungry but then decides that he is indead hungry. He is still picky about what he will eat but we give him two options and he picks one.
2. before therapy Hunter would not go to bed until around 11pm. Now he is usually asleep by 8:30-9:00. this is a nice little treat. He seams to be actually getting enough sleep now.
3. Before therapy Hunter would hit, punch and throw things at his younger sister and frequently say that he hates babies. He would also say the he hates us (his parents). Now he will go for days or sometimes weeks before he says I hate you and I cant recall the last time he said he hated Trinity. As for the throwing and hitting it is also on the decline.
4. He actually now says Please and Thanks you!!!!! before threapy he wouldn't.
5. before therapy he would always make us carry him in/out of school complaining that his legs were to tired. He no longer does this.
6. he would not ride his bike. Now today since it was around 70 degrees. He rode it slowly for several hours and never once complained or go angry. He actually was outside playing with his sisters for more than 4 hours. This is something that he would only do for about an hour this last fall because he said he was to tired.
Those are the ones that I can think of at the moment and I am really pleased with his progress. As for what he has been working on at therapy....
1. brushing and joint compressions
2. laying on his side and spinning around 10 times in both directions to music with his eyes closed
3. having his arms cross midline and touch the opposite leg in a marching rhythm. This last time was the first that he has tried and it was very intersting to see him try this.
4. music therapy
5. following a flash of light with only his eyes. This is very hard for him, he actually ends up moving his entire body.
6. wheel barrel walking.
and some others that I can't think of right now.
as for at home his sensory diet consists of the following
1. music therapy for 30 minutes two times a day
2. brushing and joint compressions every two hours
3. wheel barrel walking.
Hunter will have his appointment at the University of Iowa hospital for further testing including autism on the 28th of this month. It is an all day evaluation with several differnt people. It will be intersting to see how well he does. I will let you all now afterwards.
OK now for some knitting.
I have purchased a spinning wheel and still await its arrival. In the meantime I have been busy researching differnt fibers and having fun ordering some. I also purchased a drop spindle starter kit from someone on ebay and that arrived to day. I had a few minutes to play with it and spun a little just to see what I could do and well a spindle is not as easy as it sounds in the instructions that came with it. I wish that I could find my digital camara, it has for some reason disapeared. I hope I find it soon so I can get some feeback on my first attemps. In the meantime I'm working on a sock that I hope with fit Autumn, If anything it will be to big but not by much and I'll probably end up saving it for this next cold season. So regardless It will have a pair of feet in which to travel on. Well that's all for tonight, I'm going back to searching for the camera or just simply go to be for once early!!!! If you call 11pm early.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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